Thursday 24 April 2014

Film Industry Fact

1.The breakdown of UK film companies are approximately: 43% production, 13% distribution and 44% exhibition
2.UK films accounted for 15% of global box office. UK independent films accounted for under 2% of global box office.
3.In 2012, £929m was spent on UK film productions, £345m less than the £1.3bn spent in 2011.  In part, that is because the number of films made has dropped from 331 in 2011 to 249 in 2012.
4. Estimated total spent by UK distributors on marketing was £189m. Of that, £89m was on TV adverts, £67 on outdoor (posters, buses, tube, etc), £22m press, £7m on radio and £4m online.

Friday 4 April 2014

Film Industry Fact

In 2012, the largest production companies were (in order and with their number of films and estimated combined budgets in brackets):
  1. Working TitleWorking Title Films (12 films, £250m total budget)
  2. Press On Features (9 films, £12m total budget)
  3. Black and Blue Films (9 films, £5m total budget)
  4. Vertigo Films (7 films, £18m total budget)
  5. Passion Pictures (7 films, £8m total budget)